Category: Germany

  • A day trip to Rüdesheim…

    A day trip to Rüdesheim…

    Or Rüdesheim am Rhein as it’s officially known due to it being ‘on the Rhine’ river. I’d never heard of this town before coming to Frankfurt and so my discovery of such a place was by complete chance; as is often the way of any open-minded traveller… The morning of the day before I was sat having […]

  • And they said Frankfurt was ‘boring’…

    And they said Frankfurt was ‘boring’…

    Well they were wrong. Now, it might be a number of other adjectives but boring isn’t at the top of the list as you’re soon going to see. It would seem that Frankfurt gets labelled boring partly because it is a financial hub (also the fifth largest city) but partly because there’s not plenty of things for […]

  • ‘Visiting Heidelberg should be a must…’

    ‘Visiting Heidelberg should be a must…’

    Was what I was recently told by Lukas, my German travel companion from a couple of months back. Not wanting to disappoint and considering this was in the direction I was heading, why not I thought and voila, that’s where I now write to you from. And look, after 116 days finally a Gino’s! (My brother). Heidelberg lies within […]

  • A familiar face from Belgrade, Serbia

    A familiar face from Belgrade, Serbia

    I met THIS young Englishman named Ben in Belgrade several months ago and placed him on my ‘Friends along the way‘ page. He is studying both French and German (I know, right) and is part of the ERAMAUS program. Erasmus provides opportunities for students to study or undertake a work placement abroad as part of their degree, which […]

  • What else is there to do in and around Bertesgaden, Bavaria?

    What else is there to do in and around Bertesgaden, Bavaria?

    Bertesgaden, is the main transport hub so a lot of tourists enter here. Tourists mainly from German speaking countries and of course, the plentiful and adventurous far east Asian’s. Is there any part of the World they don’t visit!? I must say that this area is probably the least English spoken area I’ve been to […]

  • A weekend in the Bavarian Alps…

    A weekend in the Bavarian Alps…

    Welcome everyone to the mighty Deutschland! So did you guess the historical face from the main blog post image? In all honesty, if you’d have asked me three months ago if I was planning on visiting     Germany, I would have answered fairly emphatically, ‘no’ – purely because I did not expect to have come this […]