Category: Israel

  • Hello Tel Aviv, goodbye Israel…

    Hello Tel Aviv, goodbye Israel…

    Rather poignantly, this will be my final Israel post as the time has come for me to move on from this very welcoming country. To think that 18 months or so ago, I hadn’t even heard of Tel Aviv and now to be here feeling like a local shows how far I’ve come both characteristically and literally. Back in […]

  • Ejected from a Palestinian bus

    Ejected from a Palestinian bus

    No picture post 🙁 These have been somehow lost during website migration #dontask. Today I was removed from a pubic bus but fear (or laugh) not for the title is more dramatic than the experience thankfully was. If anything though the circumstances that warranted my removal make the crux of the story and that was due to […]

  • A return and final farewell to Jerusalem

    A return and final farewell to Jerusalem

    No picture post 🙁 These have been somehow lost during website migration #dontask. Reading back through my first Jerusalem post from a couple of weeks ago, I noticed the last line of my text was: ‘Jerusalem, you and I have unfinished business…’. Low and behold I have returned to this glorious city of old charm […]

  • The Golan Heights and the Dead Sea

    The Golan Heights and the Dead Sea

    So I’ve been quite busy this last week (but in a good way) as you might have deduced from my lack of posts. Well, I’m hoping you thought to yourselves he’s probably been busy having a  good time rather than the equally very real alternative of me being assimilated by a plethora of evangelical preachers! […]

  • A day trip to Bethlehem

    A day trip to Bethlehem

    Bethlehem is very close in distance to the wonderful but heavily disputed city of Jerusalem. Such convenient proximity made it perfect to plan a day trip here rather than needing to stay over and look for accommodation for the night. That said, did you know that Bethlehem is actually a Palestinian city located in the […]

  • Hanging out in Jerusalem

    Hanging out in Jerusalem

    That title. As weird for me to say, as it is for you to hear. I mean, Israel. Jerusalem. Hanging out. Those words can’t possibly go together, can they!? Well, surprise surprise as Jerusalem really is quite the place to ‘hang out’ despite its religious significance, heavily disputed ground or that it’s the cultural melting […]