Category: Italy

  • Taking on Mount Etna!

    Taking on Mount Etna!

    Apologies for the reduced posts last week folks – it’s just that I’ve experienced the worst two Wifi connections since I’ve been travelling. As such, I’ll incorporate two consecutive (but very different) days into one mighty Catania-based post as that is where I now am. Take your time over this one and (hopefully) enjoy the read. So […]

  • Dazzling sights and dazzling heights…

    Dazzling sights and dazzling heights…

    In Cefalu. Cefalu is an hour’s train ride east of Palermo at a cost of 12 euros return. This relatively close distance means it’s still part of the province of Palermo. Actually I had such a nice afternoon a few days ago that I’ve chosen to revisit it but this time round I’ve come for more than […]

  • Love conquers all

    Love conquers all

    Sadly this doesn’t involve me but as it’s such a wonderful story, I felt compelled to write about it and share this short romantic tale with all of you.  Perhaps it might even make you smile if you’re having a bad day. It involves the owners of the hostel/b&b I’ve stayed at this first week here […]

  • Sicily and beautiful Italy

    Sicily and beautiful Italy

    “…is both beautiful and it’s cheap” – is what I have been told numerous times in these last six months and by mainland Italians. Is there a better combination!? I discovered I was able to confirm half of this at the earliest opportunity possible – from on-board the plane! I remember thinking to myself even bleary eyed […]

  • Highs and lows in Florence, Tuscany

    Highs and lows in Florence, Tuscany

    I’ve arrived in the most inhabited city of Tuscany – Florence (or Firenze in Italian). That’s actually useful to know as you’ll be waiting for a long time in the train station if you’re looking for ‘Florence’. Here is the adjoining building attached to the rear of my hostel: Your eyes are not deceiving you – that really […]

  • Two days in Pisa, Tuscany

    Two days in Pisa, Tuscany

    Having arrived in Pisa means of course that I’ve successfully made it back to the mainland. As a budgeting backpacker, I have to admit I was happy to be back on less expensive, less exclusive land. And I took a boat, okay, ferry. Look, I was even one of the first on board! For those […]