Tag: Bosnia and Herzegovina

  • Moving on up the Dalmatian coast

    Moving on up the Dalmatian coast

    Earlier I said goodbye to the lovely hostel in Trebinje and therefore I also said goodbye to Bosnia and Hergoniva – the country I have called home these last ten days. I took a bus from the local station first reaching Dubrovnik before switching buses for a main connection to my next destination. This part of the journey was […]

  • A day trip to Dubrovnik (Croatia)

    A day trip to Dubrovnik (Croatia)

    So as I covered in some depth in my last post, the whole point of me originally visiting Trebinje was to visit Dubrovnik and today that finally happened. The owners of the hostel put myself and Edmund in touch with a local guy – Svaki Dan – who works in Dubrovnik but lives here in Trebinje […]

  • A terrific time in Trebinje!

    A terrific time in Trebinje!

    Heading south from Sarajevo to Mostar, viewers with a good sense of direction might have deduced that my next country would be Croatia and therefore next up, Dubrovnik – the so called Pearl of The Adriatic. I’m willing to bet that whoever coined that didn’t spent much time in Montenegro or Albania!. However, I was facing […]

  • Spending an entire day with strangers…

    Spending an entire day with strangers…

    Is what travelling is all about, right? Although I am happy to say that the experience was positive and it turned into quite a day as you’ll soon see. 1) So I was resting on my hostel bed with my computer after some good food and drink earlier on, when the chap occupying the bed […]

  • Moving south to Mostar, Herzegovina

    Moving south to Mostar, Herzegovina

    WIKI says that Mostar is the most important city in the Herzegovina region. It also says there are no official border distinguishing the Herzegovina region from the Bosnian but it is generally accepted that the borders are Croatia to the south west, Montenegro to the east, the Maglic mountain to the north east, and Ivan […]

  • Sarajevo: Part 2

    Sarajevo: Part 2

    This is my last (and fourth) night in Sarajevo. Don’t let the fact that I am only assigning two posts to Sarajevo fool you into thinking this is representative of there being little to do (or learn)   here as that would be wholly inaccurate. On the contrary, this place has so much a person […]