Tag: Greece

  • Meteora to Delphi – what a schlep!

    Meteora to Delphi – what a schlep!

    Dear readers, It saddens me to say this will be the last explorative post as I envisage only a couple of philosophical and reflective writings for my final few days. As sad as that might be, you have my permission to chuckle at the fact that my last day of exploration proved to be one of […]

  • Magical Meteora: Saving the best ’till last…

    Magical Meteora: Saving the best ’till last…

    During these ‘unlikely travels’, together we’ve seen some of Europe’s most breathtaking and awe-inspiring works and wonders. As I enter my final week you might have expected this to be the time for me to rest, relax and generally reflect and philosophize on these last eight months. Besides, what would be the chances of me providing […]

  • A Saturday and Sunday stroll in Thessolaniki

    A Saturday and Sunday stroll in Thessolaniki

    The weekend has provided myself and the local Thessalonikians with some welcome rays of sunshine. Don’t be fooled though, it still is chilly in the day and come of an evening, I can fully testify chilly turns to a very bitter cold. Being British, I could withstand the day time chill just fine in long […]

  • A return to the beautiful Balkans

    A return to the beautiful Balkans

    On first impression, from the airport bus ride to the city centre, there are other words that I would put well before ‘beautiful’ when describing my current location of Thessaloniki; Greece’s second largest metropolis. If you were wondering where Thessaloniki is, wonder no more. Here it is and in relation to Crete; the island I have just returned from two […]

  • My final days in Crete and the essence of travelling

    My final days in Crete and the essence of travelling

    I’ve now spent some decent time in the three largest, most popular towns in Crete that are all conveniently situated up here in the north and relatively close to each other. If the idea of visiting a popular Greek island for a week or two interests you, and exploring several other cities is also on high on […]

  • Troubled Greece, don’t we mean terrific Greece!?

    Troubled Greece, don’t we mean terrific Greece!?

    A relatively short text-based post about a country we only ever hear the worst about in the media. Is it really all doom and gloom over here? Let’s delve a little further… My latest return to Greece signifies my third visit this year – that’s more return-visits in 2015 than any other country. Coincidence or not? […]