Tag: Greece

  • Just 8 days in and food poisoned!

    Just 8 days in and food poisoned!

    Nick and his lady had some errands to run today so they dropped me off at the beautifully peaceful Limossal Marina. I recall feeling slightly unsettled when I woke up and remembered not feeling hungry at breakfast which was unusual. Still, before things got a little hazy, I was able to enjoy the scenery, sunshine and […]

  • Look! It’s Nick the Greek

    Look! It’s Nick the Greek

    I left Athens with a heavy heart as I was leaving Greece so soon having had such a great week there. In saying that, I happen to have landed on the only other Greek-speaking piece of land in the World. So who is ‘Nick the Greek?’. He is someone that I used to work with at Essential […]

  • Cyprus economics, Nick’s family bar and more ancient ruins

    Cyprus economics, Nick’s family bar and more ancient ruins

    In reverse title order, let me first show you some ancient Cypriot ruins. BTW, did you know that Cyprus is reported as the birthplace for Aphrodite? I didn’t. These ruins are located at Amathous – an ancient royal city here in Cyprus. Below are some water vaults from what I understand, which unsurprisingly, were located […]

  • Exploring Athens: Part 3

    Exploring Athens: Part 3

    Last night I had a my most enjoyable night out so far, although it involved little more than a meal and a couple of beers. It was memorable largely down to heading out with my dorm-buddy Robert     (a teacher) from Ireland. He and I were the only two occupants of room 12 from the torrid […]

  • Exploring Athens: Part 2

    Exploring Athens: Part 2

    I’ve been in Athens now for three full days and I know there are more impressive architectural structures to seek out so that is what today, day four, is all about. But before that, do you remember Mount Lycabettus from a post a couple of days back? If not, it’s the goliath in this image […]

  • Exploring Athens: Part 1

    Exploring Athens: Part 1

    Travel authors tend to propose an optimum amount of time to spend in a city, typically ranging between 1 and 3 days. Whilst this might be  applicable to holiday-makers, it doesn’t really apply to me. As we know, I am not tied by the same time constraints and therefore my approach also offers me a slower pace meaning […]