Tag: Jordan

  • The Wadi Rum desert to Aqaba’s Red Sea

    The Wadi Rum desert to Aqaba’s Red Sea

    These last few days have been great and have offered up some fantastic new experiences. That’s an unusual one, too. As for Lawrence of Arabia, well now there’s ‘Sheik Sami of Arabia‘ and I imagine the imagery to be of some amusement to many back home and perhaps to my travel friends too. So originally […]

  • Petra: A seventh new wonder of the World

    Petra: A seventh new wonder of the World

    There can be little doubt that the success and popularity of the Indiana Jones franchise back in the 80s has contributed to Petra’s sore in visitors these last 30+  years. These days it is possible for 3000 visitors a day to reach this remarkable place – or so I was told by the guy at […]

  • Discovering Amman in a day

    Discovering Amman in a day

    At the risk of sounding historically uneducated (which admittedly I am), I did not expect the main focal points of the Jordanian capital city to be ancient Roman ruins! Would you? Of course I was aware that the ancient empire covered a vast amount of land but to have reached this far east without the […]

  • Crossing by foot from Israel into Jordan

    Crossing by foot from Israel into Jordan

    The time was upon me to tackle another land border. Regular readers will know that I described my border crossing from Egypt into Israel as the worst three hours of my life. Whilst I’m relieved to say I would not encounter a repeat experience, I would still face some problems of a different sort by […]