Tag: Montenegro

  • Visiting the largest canyon in Europe!

    Visiting the largest canyon in Europe!

    And second in the world only to the Grand Canyon lies here in Montenegro and it is known as the Tara River Canyon. This was definitely on today’s itinerary; the only question was how to get to it as I was still a little sore after yesterday’s 20KM hike! Thankfully this wasn’t a dilemma for long […]

  • Office worker, turned blogger, turns hiker!

    Office worker, turned blogger, turns hiker!

    How many capital cities do you know of where people advise you not to visit? I don’t mean from a safety aspect but rather from a dullness and lack of excitement perspective. If you don’t have an immediate answer to the above, you soon will in the form of Podgorica – Montenegro’s capital city. When […]

  • A Montenegrin mountain road trip

    A Montenegrin mountain road trip

    Upon visiting Montenegro, it would have been so easy for me to have just done the coastline and do a bare minimum here of a day or two before heading north to Croatia like many other travellers do.     Instead, I gambled on giving this country more of my time and I’m immensely pleased […]

  • Climbing those almighty 1400 Kotor steps!

    Climbing those almighty 1400 Kotor steps!

    Was a little knackering I can admit. Don’t get me wrong, if you consider yourself fit or even modestly fit you won’t struggle with this climb and at worst, you’ll break a sweat. I, however, rarely sweat due to a lack of any high level physical exertion and so it was strange sensation to see liquid […]

  • Europe’s equivalent of Jordan’s Petra…

    Europe’s equivalent of Jordan’s Petra…

    Is the Ostrog monastery. Interestingly it comes with a little mystery attached to it in the sense that nobody knows much about who or what built it. That’s quite strange to hear these days right?  I had initially accepted this wasn’t going to be a tourist attraction I could visit because the tour price would […]

  • Mountainous Montenegro

    Mountainous Montenegro

    Myself, the well-travelled Dutch lady and the gentle German giant said our goodbyes to half of the people in yesterday’s group photo as we headed for Montenegro whilst the others headed further north into the Albanian mountains to hike. For those interested in getting to Montenegro from Shkodra read this paragraph otherwise skip it. You will need to […]