Tag: Romania

  • I’m leaving Romania but here’s why you should come!

    I’m leaving Romania but here’s why you should come!

    Sadly, the time has finally come for me to move on from this surprisingly picturesque and peaceful country. Instead of heading further north into the mountains, which is what I thought I was doing up until a day or so ago, I’ve decided to move in a westerly direction. I’ve modified my plan so that I’ve […]

  • Dracula’s castle, Rasnov and a bear sanctuary in one day

    Dracula’s castle, Rasnov and a bear sanctuary in one day

    For a place so heavily reliant on tourism, perhaps unsurprisingly there are leaflets everywhere for tours in and around the Brasov commune. The most popular (for namesake at least), is a visit to Bram to see the castle. Separately, Rasnov supposedly offers a stunning fortress and then there is bear sanctuary fairly near too! All three […]

  • Exploring Brasov

    Exploring Brasov

    Apart from how placid, gentle and civilised Brasov appears to be in contrast to Bucharest, the first noticeable difference was the temperature. It’s plummeted here in the mountains and they are not   expecting sunshine for a few more days time. Still, as long as the rain holds out that’s OK for me. Randomly, the city […]

  • A memorable train ride from Bucharest to Brasov

    A memorable train ride from Bucharest to Brasov

    So I’ve made it to Transylvania then folks! Have you ever taken a 3 hour train journey and actually enjoyed it? I hadn’t until today. The challenge right now though becomes how to write about a train journey and make it both accurate and entertaining. Can’t promise anything but here is how I passed 3 […]

  • So what is Bucharest really like?

    So what is Bucharest really like?

    Did anyone see my Mother’s most recent comment from my picture-heavy post: ‘A weekend in Bucharest’? “…I must admit I will be at peace when I know you have left Romania. Well Mother dearest      (and to everyone else), I can now report back that yours and other people’s over-cautiousness need not have been. When I […]

  • A weekend in Bucharest

    A weekend in Bucharest

    So… every single person who knew I was heading to Romania, of which there weren’t very many, wished me ‘good luck’. Clearly they knew something I didn’t and being on my own, naturally   I felt a little daunted, although I didn’t let on. Was their cause for concern massively overcautious or wholly accurate? To impart […]