Category: Serbia

  • Why Air Serbia was better than the rest!

    Why Air Serbia was better than the rest!

    Don’t they say it’s the little things that matter as they’re what we remember…? Well it was a whole bunch of those little things that made my flight out of Serbia via Air Serbia the best flight I’ve ever had. I accept that’s quite a statement and don’t get me wrong – I didn’t get a […]

  • A glorious final day in sunny Serbia

    A glorious final day in sunny Serbia

    Today was a simple day but nonetheless a day that each of you would have enjoyed. When I entered Serbia I remember I felt overwhelmed and intimated by the size and busyness of the metropolis       I had just stepped foot upon. If you recall, I had spent much of the last week enjoying the […]

  • There’s nothing sad about Novi Sad!

    There’s nothing sad about Novi Sad!

    On the contrary, the city has the charm & elegance that Belgrade doesn’t. Still, of course we need variety in our cities otherwise they’d all be the same – which would be sad. I have a concern though – I’m in Novi Sad for four nights. That’s a long time in a city that people say you […]

  • Zbogom Belgrade, zdravo Novi Sad

    Zbogom Belgrade, zdravo Novi Sad

    Goodbye Belgrade, hello Novi Sad. Knowing I was leaving later on this afternoon, I intentionally woke early so I wouldn’t miss out on two sightseeing events that I knew I wanted to get it. The official Nikola Tesla museum and the resting place of Josip Broz (TITO) – the former Yugoslav revolutionary. Embarrassingly I never knew […]

  • Day three and four in Belgrade

    Day three and four in Belgrade

    So even after four full days in Belgrade, I was still unconvinced by it so I thought I would seek some unbiased views from a couple of experienced travellers to see if my ‘feeling’ was wholly accurate or whether they felt endeared to it. Having now done this I’m happy to report back that my suspicions were […]

  • An unforgettable second day in Belgrade, Serbia

    An unforgettable second day in Belgrade, Serbia

    There seems to be a bit of a pattern here. A first night I wouldn’t forget and now an unforgettable second night. So that means then I’ve now warmed to Belgrade after my horrendously challenging first night and first impression??? No, not really. I still think it’s a bit of sh!thole. At least that grading […]