Tag: Albania

  • Lake Komani: Scenic bliss in Albania

    Lake Komani: Scenic bliss in Albania

    This is definitely the last post and last day in Albania folks and so to find this ‘scenic bliss’ the team and I had to endure a long, long day. Yes, we could have done this the easy way and paid 33  euros each to have everything worked out for us but as ever, I […]

  • An Italian hitman in Tirana!!!

    An Italian hitman in Tirana!!!

    Looks like yesterday’s post won’t be my last in Albania after all. Infact, neither will this one as there will be one more to come showing today’s activity and it won’t be one you’ll want to miss to   appreciate scenic nirvana. The first semi-comical, semi-serious email my brother Gino sent me when he heard I was coming […]

  • A visit to Albania’s capital: Tirana

    A visit to Albania’s capital: Tirana

    Admittedly I was happy to be back in a busy metropolis as you’d have to go back to Italy those weeks ago since I last sampled the heavily polluted city air. Since then its largely been rural villages, castles and vast amounts of walking. I came here then with minimal expectations and as such I […]

  • A miserably wet afternoon in Berat

    A miserably wet afternoon in Berat

    Yes folks finally a less than pleasurable afternoon. That’s a grand total of two single bad experiences in seven weeks of travel so I can’t grumble too much can I. (The first being THAT time in Cyprus of course). So the day started off reasonably bright and sunny enough for us to not feel cold or […]

  • Goodbye Saranda, hello Gjirokaster

    Goodbye Saranda, hello Gjirokaster

    As six of the last seven days have been spent in Saranda, it was finally time to say goodbye to the friends and temporary home I had made this last week. In addition to the wonderful ambience created by the manager Klardi, the Hairy Lemon hostel offered fantastic views of the beach that happened to […]

  • Is Albania the cheapest Balkan country?

    Is Albania the cheapest Balkan country?

    I didn’t think I would ever see prices cheaper in Europe than I saw in Romanian and Serbia but it’s now looking like I have. Example 1: Bottled water of this size costs no more than 90 LEK – 40 pence. That’s a 6 litre container! Example 2: The other day I briefly sampled some […]