Day 2 in the backpacker house

So what was my first night’s stay in a hostel really like?

Well, once the initial shock of adapting to my surroundings wore off, I found it quite easy to drop the slightly snobby attitude.        On closer inspection, everything was really quite clean and tidy. (As people spotted and commented on in yesterday’s post). The dorm had an AC unit, the radiator was pumping out some good heat and the bed sheets looked washed and ironed and smelt fresh.

Paolo, I can report that I did not have to bring out the emergency silk cover backup just yet ๐Ÿ™‚

So folks, it can pay off if you put in a whole, non-exhausting fifteen minutes of research to seek out the well-advised hostels.

Can I personally recommend The Athens Backpacker hostel? Yes, I can.

Infact, I have extended my stay here for at least three nights (in total) as it makes sense to do so. Besides, I’ve had only a pleasant experience and I don’t want to start lugging my packs around the City unnecessarily unless I have to.

How much am I paying? Accommodation will cost around 70 euros – equiv to £50. No bad for three nights stay hey. That’s even before you consider further perks.
Get this, there is free tea and coffee and there is also supposedly free breakfast. I plan on sampling this tomorrow. If it’s even remotely good, then you lot are gonna seriously have to consider ‘hosteling’ in the future ๐Ÿ™‚ They also offer sport channels in their ‘sports bar’ and the chilled, canned beer and water are 2 euros and 50 cents respectively. WTF.

So what about my roomies? Did we speak? Did we establish a short term bond between the hours of midnight and 10am the next morning?

Yes, we did. I think that is my first selfie ever? Don’t think I’m quite ready for the selfie stick just yet though folks as I’m hoping that’s a distant evolutionary measure…

Breakfast club

I made the three of us ‘free’ tea as Essentialites back home (work folk) will testify I can make a good cuppa.

Kristen made me a tomato, cucumber and feta breakfast whilst Jin enjoyed his noodles.


Kristen is a 25 year old business management graduate and so is Jin. Kristen is from the USA and has spent 3/4 months in Europe whilst Jin is South Korean and studies in Poland.

I’m Sami and I’m from Weston-super-Mare and I went to Bridgewater college ๐Ÿ™‚ Can you see why I wanna experience a bit more with my life?

Needless to say a concern of mine about not having any mature, intelligent conversation for a long while was immediately quashed.

So from having a very decent night sleep in the hostel to meeting two really, really nice people, the start of my trip couldn’t have been better, #theluck

After breakfast Jin and I spent the next few hours sightseeing and metro-boarding. Sadly we didn’t have more time as he was flying back to Poland at 4pm!

We did however have time for my first local sampling of a popular choice of cuisine: Souvlaki
(Spot the Acropolis in the top left).


Monstrous Souvlaki


We ate 90% of that between us. Darn good considering we have a combined weight of like 18 stone!

Check in with you soon folks after I undertake some proper Athens culture and architecture – on my own.







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